Getting Started as a Solopreneur

Web Workshop

Date: 1/4/2023 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Note: All listed times are in the Pacific time zone. Please adjust accordingly.

Event Overview

About the session:

Most people think the first thing they need to do is set up their business as an LLC or S-Corp. Not so. In fact, that’s not even one of the first three steps. Come to this workshop and learn what you need to do to get your business off the ground. Get answers to your questions and address your concerns.

  • "What do I need to do to set up my business?"
  • "Do I need a website?"
  • "How do I figure out what to charge?"
  • "What about quarterly taxes?"
  • "How do I get my first project?"
  • "A potential client has asked me for a proposal. What does that look like?"
  • "The client said yes. Do I need a contract? How do I do that?"
  • "Do I need business insurance?"
  • "There’s so much to do. I don’t know where to start!"

After taking this class, you’ll know exactly what to do to move forward.


Interactive web workshop. Be prepared to participate, ideally by video but voice works too.

Duration: 60 minutes, including lots of Q&A

About the facilitator:


Over the last ten years Liz Steblay has counseled hundreds of professionals on whether or not to “take the leap”, and how to be successful once they do.

In addition to her role as PICA’s chief advocate, Liz is the founder and managing officer of ProKo Consulting, the “Creative Artists Agency” for top-tier independent HR consultants.

Leveraging her MBA from the University of Southern California, Liz is a master at helping self-employed professionals launch and grow their own successful businesses. You can follow her on Twitter @Liz4Consultants for tips and news, and subscribe to her blog, Successful Independent Consulting


