Business Value Blueprint Cohort

Web Workshop

Date: 10/17/2024 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Note: All listed times are in the Pacific time zone. Please adjust accordingly.

Event Overview

About the cohort:

Join 5 other solopreneurs for an intimate hands-on experience to build your Business Value Blueprint and learn how to use it to grow your business. Each cohort is limited to 6 participants, allowing for personalized coaching from Kaitlin and opportunities to receive feedback from other cohort members. By the end of the cohort, you have will have a completed blueprint for your business plus specific recommendations for using each component of your blueprint to succeed as a solopreneur!

This cohort will serve as the launch pad to help you grow your business by providing you with:

  • Accountability to keep going when the journey is tough

  • A workbook full of resources and thought-provoking questions

  • An expert guide to help you develop personally and grow your business

  • Dedicated time to working ON your business

  • Content for marketing, web design, LinkedIn, elevator pitches, and networking discussions

  • Increased focus and prioritization to prevent business owner burnout

  • Opportunities to leverage a pilot audience to test ideas, surface challenges, and gain insights

  • Friendship, innovation, and connection!

This Business Value Blueprint Cohort includes 2 core components:

  1. Three 60 minute group sessions: To create the blueprint for your business using intentional questions, follow up recommendations, and creative ideas from your peers. You will walk away from these sessions with the materials and confidence to kickstart or boost your business through marketing, selling, networking, and relationship building with power partners or investors.
  2. Workbook: You will receive a structured workbook with guiding questions and spaces to brainstorm ideas on each of the Business Value Blueprint elements. The workbook also contains tips for how to use the information in your blueprint to grow your business and how to refine it over time. 

What is the Business Value Blueprint?

The 5 W's and H creates language that anyone can understand and makes each of the 6 components memorable. You are encouraged to dive deep into each of these 6 aspects through discussing intentional questions or speaking with your stakeholders. The real impact is felt when you take each of these 6 aspects beyond what is obvious to truly understand how your business operates.

We start with digging deep internally to understand the factors that drove you to create your business and the passion that you have for the community that you serve. Clarifying YOUR definition of success first allows us to move outwards by engaging with your entire stakeholder ecosystem to gather data, test early ideas, and learn how to pivot based on market data, emotional experiences, and observations.

Read this blog post to learn more about the Business Value Blueprint.

Download a free Business Value Blueprint Sample to get a taste of what it entails.


These are interactive roundtable discussions, not webinars, so be prepared to participate, ideally using your webcam.

Each session will focus on a particular topic, with assignments in between sessions. Assignments may include taking a PICA workshop if you haven’t already, and/or creating a first draft of something so we can discuss it in the next session.

Duration: Each session is 60 minutes (180 minutes total)


Thursday, October 17th at 9:00 Pacific

Thursday, October 31st at 9:00 Pacific

Thursday, November 14th at 9:00 Pacific

When you register for the cohort, you will get a confirmation email with the calendar invitation for just the first session. We will manually send you the calendar invitations for the other sessions. 

About the Cohort Facilitator:

Solving complex problems and helping teams get "unstuck" is Kaitlin Henze’s superpower. In a world where rapid change is the norm, burnout is on the rise, and customers and employees have high expectations of organizations, we all need to rethink the way we build and evolve our products and services.  Kaitlin launched Passion To Profit Consulting to blend Human Centered Design concepts with OKR methodology and change management best practices to help small to mid-sized businesses achieve their definition of success. Join this workshop to get a taste of one of the many activities that Kaitlin deploys to help businesses gain clarity and alignment. To access additional resources to help you create or evolve your services as a solopreneur, download the Continuously Innovate Digital Toolkit.  


Register by 10/17/2024


Register by 10/17/2024


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